
Chocolate Peppermint Drizzle

I love making plain recipes look like I spent a lot of time on them.  Most of the recipes I look for need to be simple, meet our dietary restrictions and taste good.  My favorite is to make oatmeal cookies and drizzle chocolate over the top.  They look so inviting!
Peppermint Chocolate Drizzle

1 cup chocolate chips
1 tsp. coconut oil

Melt chocolate chips and coconut oil together in a glass dish in the microwave, stirring every thirty seconds or in a small saucepan on medium heat on the stove.  Remove from heat and cool slightly.  Add the peppermint oil and stir well.  While still warm drizzle over your favorite cookie for an added touch of elegance and taste.

Want more recipes like this?  Check out my Taste of Eating Freely ebook!

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